Monday, August 11, 2014

Has the well run dry?

August 11th:

I know it has been a while since my last post and the crazy thing is I've made it till now with something to post, but lately I've felt tapped, like I wasn't really putting out things that were all that inspriational or motivational.  Since my vacation to Virginia, I think I've done about two posts and have just kind of been in a lull.  I've had ideas, but have lacked the energy at the end of the day to implement them.  If you've been following me and miss the posts, my sincerest apologies, if they've helped you at all I'm glad. I hope you have found inspiration elsewhere in the interim.  So though I may not always get something out daily, I will do my best to get back in the groove and be proud of what i post.  So here's my brain dropping for today.  Motivation will not last, but if you keep at something long enough, it will become habit.  Make working toward your goal a habit, a way of life, and you will achieve more than any motivational poster can.  Keep up the good work <3"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Where there is rum there should be water :)

July 12th:  Drinking in excess can lead to poor decision making and a late night out.
July 13th: 

There is nonsense all over the internet about how to detox after such a good time, however I have found the thing that works the best is plain old water.  Drink as much of it as you can before going to sleep and make sure to drink plenty of it during the day.  Helps all the organs do their job to get you back to normal.  And tossing back drinks should include tossing back a glass of water.  Speaking from experience here <3

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The frame or the art

July 10th:

I think of the human body as but a frame to the amazing art work of the soul within.  Society has us so hung up on having a perfect frame that we forgot that it is the artwork that should steal the spotlight.  Let the essence of yourself be your focal point, may it shine through your actions and your eyes <3

I love this painting, its called "Flaming June" by Lord Frederic Leighton

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A funny thing happened in the title section...

July 9th:

Yesterday's post had the title I meant to put on this subject.  I had two things to talk about yesterday and apparently placed the title for one but decided to talk about the other, please excuse my brain fart. 

So its not really a versus thing after all.  There is strength in your weakness, beauty in that which society calls a flaw (it's really what makes you an individual), and wisdom to be had in failure.  Its the balance of life, you can't have one without the other, but you can work with what you have and achieve great things <3

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Strength vs weakness

July 8th:

I have become disheartened with searching for quotes on Pinterest because of all the awful ones.  When I searched "do it for you" I saw so many that said do it for the skinny jeans and the short shorts and to shock the ex, etc...  Don't do it for clothing, you can wear clothing no matter your level of health.  Don't do it because you are trying to spite someone in a past relationship; you are worthy of love no matter your pant size.  Do it for you, for your future, for your health, for your life.  Do it on your terms and by your rules, and do it every day <3

Monday, July 7, 2014


July 7th ( and 5th and 6th):

It's becoming increasingly difficult to feel like I'm inspiring anyone when I know by my actions I haven't been living like I recommend. I don't always eat the healthiest choices because I get tired and hungry and fast sounds easier than cooking for myself. Or I succumb to the cravings of chocolate, but I haven't giving up hope for me because if I have learned anything it is that I can overcome this. As hard as it was to learn how to lose weight, this transitional period of learning how to maintain is part of my journey.  At any point though, I can assess where I am at and work at what got me here in the first place. Not all battles are conquered, sometimes you have to daily fight the same battles but I know you can do it!  <3

Thursday, July 3, 2014

You are the author of your story

July 3rd:

The power is in you and every moment is ripe with opportunity.  Find your happiness and pursue it fiercely <3