Monday, August 11, 2014

Has the well run dry?

August 11th:

I know it has been a while since my last post and the crazy thing is I've made it till now with something to post, but lately I've felt tapped, like I wasn't really putting out things that were all that inspriational or motivational.  Since my vacation to Virginia, I think I've done about two posts and have just kind of been in a lull.  I've had ideas, but have lacked the energy at the end of the day to implement them.  If you've been following me and miss the posts, my sincerest apologies, if they've helped you at all I'm glad. I hope you have found inspiration elsewhere in the interim.  So though I may not always get something out daily, I will do my best to get back in the groove and be proud of what i post.  So here's my brain dropping for today.  Motivation will not last, but if you keep at something long enough, it will become habit.  Make working toward your goal a habit, a way of life, and you will achieve more than any motivational poster can.  Keep up the good work <3"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar

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