Monday, June 30, 2014


June 30th:

But it's nice to hear, so I'll tell you.  You are beautiful.  You are handsome.  You are stunning!  Never doubt yourself just because others might.  <3

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29th:

How much more do we appreciate something that we fight for rather than something that is just giving to us.  Your happiness is definitely something worth your energy.  Strive for what you want out of life <3

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Swagger? Oh no dear, my quads are just on fire.

June 28th:

This just made me laugh.  Today was leg day, I totally feel this :)

<3It's Not Swagger I'm Just Sore Tank Top #workout

Remembering a great woman

June 27th:

It was date night yesterday and I did something that I had waited nine years to get done.  I got a tattoo.  So here's the back story.  I got it for my grandmother and my child's namesake,
Elizabeth Gaddie.

 She died of cancer in 2005, a few short months after my first Avon walk.  In the months following her death, anytime I was alone my brain went back to the fact that she was gone.  One day at work, in a particularly dark funk, I was doing rounds and saw a monarch butterfly just kind of floating along not far from me.  As soon as I saw it I felt better, my mood lifted and I just kept watching the butterfly.  It floated on over to a valve handle not far from me and landed, and just sat there.  I moved closer to it, expecting it to take off, the whole time with this euphoric wave of peace that everything was ok, that my grandma was ok and I should be too.  I got within inches of touching the butterfly before it took off and floated away.  I don't recall my grandmother having an affinity for butterflies, and I didn't have one before that day but I love them now.  They are a symbol for metamorphosis, change, and beauty. My grandmother was a beautiful, strong woman and I hope to live my life in a way that carries on her example.  So here it is, freshly done

 I will wear this proudly with the hopes of starting many conversations. All because I was crazy enough to ink my arm after a butterfly landed near me and reminded me that death is not the end, just something different than the path we are on.

On a side note, not all people will understand the choices you make but you will have to make them nonetheless if you intend to stay true to yourself. 


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Opportunity needs a door

June 26: 
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.  

We are the masters of our own destiny and we can create some of our circumstances.  No one is more vested in your happiness and success than you are. So don't be afraid to carve out the door you need to make your goals happen <3

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A healthy lifestyle is a verb, not a destination

June 25th:

A healthy lifestyle is a verb, not a destination.  It is a day in and day out adventure of making choices that balance calories in vs calories expended, taking down time, juggling work and play.  If you feel like your life is imbalance it may take some work to get there and it may even feel like you have become imbalanced in the other direction.  Keep going, if you have spent years imbalanced, it will take time to make changes and find a new balance.  I wish sometimes that it were something like a trophy, that once achieved you could sit back and relax.  Then other times, I'm excited at the chance to get out and try new things and feel my heart race.  No matter what we wish it was, it is what it is, keep moving to keep your balance <3

  Allie Brosh for the win :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

June 24th: You make your on your destiny, your path is decided by your decisions.  If you are unhappy in your current path, decide differently  <3

Monday, June 23, 2014

Fight the Apathy

If I could have taken a carbon copy of the family I was given this would have needed to be given to them to learn asap/pronto. But it's too late.

June 23rd:
I have had a hard time lately coming up with these motivational posts.  Kind of like finding the determination to keep making healthy choices everyday.  The desire to keep on keeping on has to come from within because there will be dry spells where it isn't as fun as it used to be.  If it seriously is no longer fun, reinvent your version of healthy living.  If the workouts aren't fun, find something new, if the food is leaving you unsatisfied, shake it up by trying some new recipes.  You have to care a whole awful lot for things to get better as old Mister Lorax says above.  The reason you care is a good starting point for enacting change, it will help you get through the dry spells <3

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'm back...

You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.  Apologize for mistakes. Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone — profusely. But don’t apologize for being who you are. -Danielle Laporte 

June 22nd:

 I'm mostly moved in (just don't look in my garage) and so I figured I could go back to my previous style of inspiration that came in blog form.  After taking such a long hiatus my hope is that my first return to blogging would be somewhat epic and I would find a really good topic to discuss.  But I haven't, oh poop.  I do like this one, but it is missing something, a je ne sais quois if you will.  So I am looking forward to tomorrow and the possible motivation that will smack me in the head.  Otherwise I'm going to have to ponder and think really hard for a suitable subject, and that might hurt ;)

Happy Summer!