Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Forget Atkin's, try the new pregnant woman diet!

Feb. 5th:

My baby turns six tomorrow, so maybe I've got a little baby on the brain-itis, but run with me.  I thought of this one all by myself!

When deciding how to change your eating habits, eat like you were pregnant.  I don't mean the old stereotype of "eating for two" or eating shrimp with ice cream (or whatever strange cravings pregnancy hormones elicit).  Rather I mean to say, nourish your body as if there is a vulnerable growing life inside of you that is dependent on you to make good choices.  Eat fresh fruit and veggies to get your mix of vitamins, eat lean protein to help build muscles, eat carbs in a healthy balance to everything else. (Twinkies are not the kind of carb I'm talking about).  And yogurt, let's not forget wonderful yogurt.

With regards to smoking and drinking, you are an adult and obviously you would do ok with some moderate drinking, but smoking, even in moderation is not a healthy choice, but it is yours to make.  

In reality, your body is a vessel to a vulnerable growing life, you! If you've made the decision to change and make new habits, you have become like an infant, everything is new and seems too big.  Treat yourself as you would an infant, with love, patience, and the best start on your new life by trying the pregnant woman's diet.  Totally free for the first trimester ;)


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