Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yes you can!

Feb. 9th:

Back to your regularly scheduled posts of inspiration.  I apologize for my lapse the last couple of days, but hey, if you've been reading my brain droppings up to this point you must be a glutton for punishment ;)  Or you just like my well versed nerdness.  Either way I'll take it.

It's easy to say "I can't because...x,y, or z."  To give up before we start because we have already decided that "it" can't be done.  Whatever your "it" is, be it a new job, a new relationship, new lifestyle, whatever your dream, tell yourself you can.  You may start with baby steps, but every journey starts with one step.  If you need someone to affirm you, then listen to me when I say, yes, I believe you can do it!  <3

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