Monday, August 11, 2014

Has the well run dry?

August 11th:

I know it has been a while since my last post and the crazy thing is I've made it till now with something to post, but lately I've felt tapped, like I wasn't really putting out things that were all that inspriational or motivational.  Since my vacation to Virginia, I think I've done about two posts and have just kind of been in a lull.  I've had ideas, but have lacked the energy at the end of the day to implement them.  If you've been following me and miss the posts, my sincerest apologies, if they've helped you at all I'm glad. I hope you have found inspiration elsewhere in the interim.  So though I may not always get something out daily, I will do my best to get back in the groove and be proud of what i post.  So here's my brain dropping for today.  Motivation will not last, but if you keep at something long enough, it will become habit.  Make working toward your goal a habit, a way of life, and you will achieve more than any motivational poster can.  Keep up the good work <3"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily." ~ Zig Ziglar

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Where there is rum there should be water :)

July 12th:  Drinking in excess can lead to poor decision making and a late night out.
July 13th: 

There is nonsense all over the internet about how to detox after such a good time, however I have found the thing that works the best is plain old water.  Drink as much of it as you can before going to sleep and make sure to drink plenty of it during the day.  Helps all the organs do their job to get you back to normal.  And tossing back drinks should include tossing back a glass of water.  Speaking from experience here <3

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The frame or the art

July 10th:

I think of the human body as but a frame to the amazing art work of the soul within.  Society has us so hung up on having a perfect frame that we forgot that it is the artwork that should steal the spotlight.  Let the essence of yourself be your focal point, may it shine through your actions and your eyes <3

I love this painting, its called "Flaming June" by Lord Frederic Leighton

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A funny thing happened in the title section...

July 9th:

Yesterday's post had the title I meant to put on this subject.  I had two things to talk about yesterday and apparently placed the title for one but decided to talk about the other, please excuse my brain fart. 

So its not really a versus thing after all.  There is strength in your weakness, beauty in that which society calls a flaw (it's really what makes you an individual), and wisdom to be had in failure.  Its the balance of life, you can't have one without the other, but you can work with what you have and achieve great things <3

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Strength vs weakness

July 8th:

I have become disheartened with searching for quotes on Pinterest because of all the awful ones.  When I searched "do it for you" I saw so many that said do it for the skinny jeans and the short shorts and to shock the ex, etc...  Don't do it for clothing, you can wear clothing no matter your level of health.  Don't do it because you are trying to spite someone in a past relationship; you are worthy of love no matter your pant size.  Do it for you, for your future, for your health, for your life.  Do it on your terms and by your rules, and do it every day <3

Monday, July 7, 2014


July 7th ( and 5th and 6th):

It's becoming increasingly difficult to feel like I'm inspiring anyone when I know by my actions I haven't been living like I recommend. I don't always eat the healthiest choices because I get tired and hungry and fast sounds easier than cooking for myself. Or I succumb to the cravings of chocolate, but I haven't giving up hope for me because if I have learned anything it is that I can overcome this. As hard as it was to learn how to lose weight, this transitional period of learning how to maintain is part of my journey.  At any point though, I can assess where I am at and work at what got me here in the first place. Not all battles are conquered, sometimes you have to daily fight the same battles but I know you can do it!  <3

Thursday, July 3, 2014

You are the author of your story

July 3rd:

The power is in you and every moment is ripe with opportunity.  Find your happiness and pursue it fiercely <3

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2nd:

Balance the way you eat the way you balance your household budget.  You can't spend more money than you have without having a negative effect on your life.  Same with your eating habits, be frugal and when you "over spend" make sure it isn't too often <3

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dance in the rain...

July 1st:

As I prepare myself mentally for another eye surgery for Travis, I seem to be circling on this subject.  It is hard to be happy watching someone you love go through so many health issues, but I have hope that we will come out on the other side of this trial stronger than we went in.  I often feel like the weight of the world is coming down, but I look around and realize how blessed we are.  We have a beautiful daughter, a supportive family, and through it all we have been provided for.  I am still learning, but I will do my best to be happy in spite of my worries.  Rather, I will be happy to spite my worries, so they don't win.  <3

Monday, June 30, 2014


June 30th:

But it's nice to hear, so I'll tell you.  You are beautiful.  You are handsome.  You are stunning!  Never doubt yourself just because others might.  <3

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29th:

How much more do we appreciate something that we fight for rather than something that is just giving to us.  Your happiness is definitely something worth your energy.  Strive for what you want out of life <3

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Swagger? Oh no dear, my quads are just on fire.

June 28th:

This just made me laugh.  Today was leg day, I totally feel this :)

<3It's Not Swagger I'm Just Sore Tank Top #workout

Remembering a great woman

June 27th:

It was date night yesterday and I did something that I had waited nine years to get done.  I got a tattoo.  So here's the back story.  I got it for my grandmother and my child's namesake,
Elizabeth Gaddie.

 She died of cancer in 2005, a few short months after my first Avon walk.  In the months following her death, anytime I was alone my brain went back to the fact that she was gone.  One day at work, in a particularly dark funk, I was doing rounds and saw a monarch butterfly just kind of floating along not far from me.  As soon as I saw it I felt better, my mood lifted and I just kept watching the butterfly.  It floated on over to a valve handle not far from me and landed, and just sat there.  I moved closer to it, expecting it to take off, the whole time with this euphoric wave of peace that everything was ok, that my grandma was ok and I should be too.  I got within inches of touching the butterfly before it took off and floated away.  I don't recall my grandmother having an affinity for butterflies, and I didn't have one before that day but I love them now.  They are a symbol for metamorphosis, change, and beauty. My grandmother was a beautiful, strong woman and I hope to live my life in a way that carries on her example.  So here it is, freshly done

 I will wear this proudly with the hopes of starting many conversations. All because I was crazy enough to ink my arm after a butterfly landed near me and reminded me that death is not the end, just something different than the path we are on.

On a side note, not all people will understand the choices you make but you will have to make them nonetheless if you intend to stay true to yourself. 


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Opportunity needs a door

June 26: 
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.  

We are the masters of our own destiny and we can create some of our circumstances.  No one is more vested in your happiness and success than you are. So don't be afraid to carve out the door you need to make your goals happen <3

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A healthy lifestyle is a verb, not a destination

June 25th:

A healthy lifestyle is a verb, not a destination.  It is a day in and day out adventure of making choices that balance calories in vs calories expended, taking down time, juggling work and play.  If you feel like your life is imbalance it may take some work to get there and it may even feel like you have become imbalanced in the other direction.  Keep going, if you have spent years imbalanced, it will take time to make changes and find a new balance.  I wish sometimes that it were something like a trophy, that once achieved you could sit back and relax.  Then other times, I'm excited at the chance to get out and try new things and feel my heart race.  No matter what we wish it was, it is what it is, keep moving to keep your balance <3

  Allie Brosh for the win :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

June 24th: You make your on your destiny, your path is decided by your decisions.  If you are unhappy in your current path, decide differently  <3

Monday, June 23, 2014

Fight the Apathy

If I could have taken a carbon copy of the family I was given this would have needed to be given to them to learn asap/pronto. But it's too late.

June 23rd:
I have had a hard time lately coming up with these motivational posts.  Kind of like finding the determination to keep making healthy choices everyday.  The desire to keep on keeping on has to come from within because there will be dry spells where it isn't as fun as it used to be.  If it seriously is no longer fun, reinvent your version of healthy living.  If the workouts aren't fun, find something new, if the food is leaving you unsatisfied, shake it up by trying some new recipes.  You have to care a whole awful lot for things to get better as old Mister Lorax says above.  The reason you care is a good starting point for enacting change, it will help you get through the dry spells <3

Sunday, June 22, 2014

I'm back...

You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge.  Apologize for mistakes. Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone — profusely. But don’t apologize for being who you are. -Danielle Laporte 

June 22nd:

 I'm mostly moved in (just don't look in my garage) and so I figured I could go back to my previous style of inspiration that came in blog form.  After taking such a long hiatus my hope is that my first return to blogging would be somewhat epic and I would find a really good topic to discuss.  But I haven't, oh poop.  I do like this one, but it is missing something, a je ne sais quois if you will.  So I am looking forward to tomorrow and the possible motivation that will smack me in the head.  Otherwise I'm going to have to ponder and think really hard for a suitable subject, and that might hurt ;)

Happy Summer!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Feb. 13th:
Don't worry about what others think, worry about what you will think of yourself if you never try.  We may look awkward trying new things, but as long as fun is had, who cares?  <3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Better, Baby!

"It never gets easier, you just get better"

Feb. 12th:

The level of task we lay before ourselves never changes, we just build strength the more we perform the tasks.  So go forth and get better.

For the next month, I will be packing my house and preparing to move.  We offered on a place and were accepted, eek!  I'm buying a condo, I think that makes me an adult now.  At any rate, I will have less time for these motivational blurbs, so I'm asking for forgiveness in advance.  They may just be the picture with a quote I like, and no explanation at all.  I will do my best to find super good quotes!  Keep up the good work, I'll be back to wasting pixel space before you know it <3

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Feb. 11th:

There are a bazillion (literally, I counted) motivational quotes on pinterest.  This sums it up nicely, exercise requires some motivation.  You may not on a daily basis be in peril like in the above picture, but wouldn't you want a chance of getting away?  When you exercise, go to your ability, but always try and push it a little, just to see how far you can go.  Before you know it, you'll be picking fights with T-Rex at the local bar just for fun ;) 

Rawr! Rawr! Rawr!  <3<3<3 (three times the love Tuesday)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Know thyself

Feb. 10th:

I often find myself overeating when I'm bored or have nothing to do with my hands.  Watching tv is particularly difficult to do without chips or popcorn.  I try and keep water on hand for times like that, it helps me feel full and gives me something to do besides stuff my face with a bag of doritos.  If I am going to sit for awhile, I have a hobby that occupies both hands and yarn.  Can't have messy fingers, nor can you eat and crochet at the same time, so that helps too. 

The point is to identify where you feel your weaknesses are and find strategies to overcome them.  You know yourself better than anyone, use that knowledge to your advantage! <3

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Yes you can!

Feb. 9th:

Back to your regularly scheduled posts of inspiration.  I apologize for my lapse the last couple of days, but hey, if you've been reading my brain droppings up to this point you must be a glutton for punishment ;)  Or you just like my well versed nerdness.  Either way I'll take it.

It's easy to say "I can't because...x,y, or z."  To give up before we start because we have already decided that "it" can't be done.  Whatever your "it" is, be it a new job, a new relationship, new lifestyle, whatever your dream, tell yourself you can.  You may start with baby steps, but every journey starts with one step.  If you need someone to affirm you, then listen to me when I say, yes, I believe you can do it!  <3

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Home is where my family is

Feb. 8th:

Okay, at the moment I'm looking for inspiration for myself, and this one resonates.  My job certainly worked this way.  I was in a position at work that had rotating shifts and I didn't mind it at the time but we needed one of us on day shift for our daughter.  Of the two of us, I was the one eligible to go to the instrument shop, and man did I drag my feet and moan and complain.  Now, I can't believe how good life is.  I work a regular shift doing something that I find completely fascinating with amazing people, not that there weren't amazing people where I worked before, but it just adds to the awesomeness of the situation.  So it seems that it is usually just my dislike for change that makes me miserable until I see what the change brings.

Now that the headache is gone and my stomach resides in its intended location, I can think a little more clearly.  Life is about change, and a home is merely a house where a family lives and loves.  So wherever I live will be home as long as my family is with me.  <3

Friday, February 7, 2014


"All great changes are proceeded by chaos"

Feb. 7th:
I feel a little upside down at the moment.  We have until April to evacuate our house because of renovation needs.  We have started to look at condos in the hopes of staying in the area so Elizabeth won't have to change schools.  She already wants to pack.  I'm dying and trying for her not to see it.  I hate moving, and I hate the unsurety but who knows what is in store for us.  I had hoped that the possibility of buying our own place would leave me with more optimism, but I imagine I'll feel better in the morning.   At the moment I'm working on a headache and trying to keep my stomach in its correct location and out of my throat.

I will try to be slightly more inspiring tomorrow, but at the moment I need some myself, the well is a little dry.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

The before and after...

Feb. 6th:
Around this time six years ago I was in the hospital welcoming my first born.  I still to this day am amazed that I was a vessel that brought forth life into the world, and that life runs around spreading cuteness and havoc in her path.   Happiest of birthdays to my minkey, you are one of my greatest motivations.  I want to be healthy so I can keep up with you and to show you how to be healthy too.

Onto the post...
After seeing The Biggest Loser's winner before and after photo, I figured it was time to share my own in the blog.  So here it is, I lost 68lbs over two and a half years.  I went from a size 18 to a size 8.  I went from not running at all to a 9 minute mile.  I started working out just 30 minutes a day, five days a week.  I mixed up some kick boxing, weight lifting, and elliptical cardio, whatever sounded good.  I started cooking more of my own meals, drinking less soda way more water, and cut out the sweets.

The last four months I've been following a monthly workout calendar developed by a pilates instructor, which you can find here if you are so inclined.  Subscribe to her blog, and she emails you the password for the  monthly calendars.  I love the challenge of trying things I've never done before and seeing how far I can go.  I currently workout about an hour in the morning and then add either biking or running cardio at lunch.  In the evening, I've been trying a 90 day plank challenge and a 30 day ab challenge, so far only takes a few minutes to do both, as they progress it will take more time, but for now, I'd say total I'm exercising about an hour and a half a day.

I'd say my daily calorie range is around 1500-1600.  I haven't been paying as close attention to how many calories I'm eating because I've been more focused on what kind of meals I am preparing.  If I load up my meal with veggies and a normal portion of protein, I'm not worried about calories because I know am eating right, if I'm partaking a meal that isn't super healthy, then I pay closer attention to portion and calories because it is too easy to over do it.  Cut your plate in half when you eat out if you're not eating something listed as "lite fare" or if it has the calories posted for you.  Even with the calories posted you will often be eating half just to get a more normal portion. 

I probably spent between three to six weeks in the beginning being slightly neurotic about logging food and figuring out how to eat through out the day so that I wouldn't feel hungry.  Eating, for me, was the huge learning curve.  Exercise comes easy, I'm not built for all types, but I am built to move.  I enjoy working up a sweat, no joke, its exhilarating and makes me feel alive.  My dietary choices are still something that I will have to work on for the rest of my days.  I have a kind of all or nothing willpower when it comes to sweets, especially chocolate.  I can succeed at abstinence, but if I try and do the moderation thing, like just one piece of chocolate candy it's akin to opening the flood gates and before I know it, the chocolate box is empty.  We all have different issues that got us to our before picture, but we can all work towards our after pictures.  With some support and some sweat, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

On a final note about before and after pictures, the important thing I'd like to note about mine is this.  In both pictures I am happy with myself.  In my before picture, I weighed more than I'd like, but I was happily married and had a healthy two year old.  I worked at a job I enjoyed and was having a good time with my bible study group.  I'm about to participate in a pie eating contest in that picture.  In my after picture, I am still happy with  myself, I'm still happily married, I have a healthy six year old, I still enjoy my job, and in the after picture I'm wearing my Christmas gift from my husband, new workout clothes.  The thing that separates the two pictures is the 2.5 years of daily choosing to stay on a path towards better health, but I celebrated all the in between victories, all the five pounds lost, the ten pounds lost.  The first major goal, the 4% of body weight lost in a month, the last weight goal, the first time I did a pull up.  Life is worth celebrating, every step of the way, but celebrating doesn't always mean pulling up to the buffet and thwarting all your hard work.  I've tried to find other ways besides food to celebrate achievements, new clothes being my most favorite, but whatever moves you is the key.


I'm no nutritional expert or doctor, but to lose 155 pounds in seven months, sounds unhealthy for  most people.  If she's happy and healthy, I have nothing but respect for the work she put in.  However, for most of us, that is an unrealistic goal.  Fortunately, we have more than seven months time to achieve what we are after and it is worth more than you could ever imagine.  If you are working towards a stronger and healthier version of you, here's an internet hug from me to you (((HUG)))!  You can do it, I believe in you! If you ever want to ask me anything about what I write about, or life in general, or want to share your achievements, please feel free to message me! <3

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Forget Atkin's, try the new pregnant woman diet!

Feb. 5th:

My baby turns six tomorrow, so maybe I've got a little baby on the brain-itis, but run with me.  I thought of this one all by myself!

When deciding how to change your eating habits, eat like you were pregnant.  I don't mean the old stereotype of "eating for two" or eating shrimp with ice cream (or whatever strange cravings pregnancy hormones elicit).  Rather I mean to say, nourish your body as if there is a vulnerable growing life inside of you that is dependent on you to make good choices.  Eat fresh fruit and veggies to get your mix of vitamins, eat lean protein to help build muscles, eat carbs in a healthy balance to everything else. (Twinkies are not the kind of carb I'm talking about).  And yogurt, let's not forget wonderful yogurt.

With regards to smoking and drinking, you are an adult and obviously you would do ok with some moderate drinking, but smoking, even in moderation is not a healthy choice, but it is yours to make.  

In reality, your body is a vessel to a vulnerable growing life, you! If you've made the decision to change and make new habits, you have become like an infant, everything is new and seems too big.  Treat yourself as you would an infant, with love, patience, and the best start on your new life by trying the pregnant woman's diet.  Totally free for the first trimester ;)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All we need is love

Feb 4th:
In my search for something to write on today, I found a disturbing amount of untrue sayings. Nonsense like "I'm getting healthy to wear what I want" or "get sexy or die trying".  You can wear what you want and you are sexy by your attitude, not a number on a scale.   Please workout because you love your body and want the best for it and to know what you're capable of.  Our worth is not defined by the skinniness of our jeans.  Smile in the knowledge that you are already beautiful <3

Monday, February 3, 2014

Go for broke.

Feb. 3rd:

We can make some things easier, but in the end, there is work to be done.  Every day working towards the impossible, is a day closer to it being achieved.  It's an amazing feeling to do what you didn't think possible two weeks prior.  What drives you?  Find it, and go hard! <3

Sunday, February 2, 2014

One life to live

Feb 2nd:

Hope this makes up for my ultra girly post yesterday.  I try and run with what is eating at my brain, and yesterday's topic just had to be done.  But today, woo boy, in the sea of sappy quotes I was sifting through this one jumped out and gnawed on my face.

For all intensive purposes we are aware of only one life on this earth to live.  So how do you want to live it, lamenting the things you didn't do or basking in the knowledge that you did your best to enjoy this gift.  It may not sound very feminine to say I want to be a badass, but I sure as heck do.  I want to climb mountains and crawl through mud, I want to sweat and feel my heart race.  I also happen to like dressing up and crocheting, and on occasion I wear profuse amounts of pink.

Baddassedness comes in many forms, find your personal flavor and rock the heck out of it!<3

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Beauty standards are temporary

Feb. 1st:

Beauty.  There's a reason why there's an industry based on it.  It preys on our inner desire to be desired.  But there's a nasty little industry secret, if they keep changing the standard for beauty we will keep paying to try and keep up (flash back to my snake oil post here).

Insert history of beauty lesson in photos here --->

  The standards change but the driving force is socioeconomics.  Where do we fall in the scheme of society and what are we expected to do?  Are we supposed to marry and produce children, cool you can look like a full figured woman but in those days its hard to achieve that look because unless your nobility, you're working out all the time and food is expensive.  Times change, we get the right to vote and work outside of the home, guess what, you don't need all that excess in the hip area for making babies, or breasts for that matter.  Except now high calorie food is more easily come by and life in general is more sedentary for the average Jane.  Add in some jewelry, corsets, fashion, and makeup requirements and you got a money making machine

What is a woman to do?  Here's a novel idea, make your own standard of beauty.  You are beautiful just by being the unique person you are.  No amount of thigh gap, cleavage, or cheek bones can make you any more beautiful than you already are.  So when you walk into a room, hold your head high, you're the only woman in the room with your unique mix of traits.  You are fabulous and no one can tell you otherwise.  So keep in mind that those magazine photos are there to try and sell you something by making you believe you aren't pretty enough.  Don't let them!  Don't give them any power over you.  You are strong, fierce, and beautiful.  You have control over what you think, don't let them shame you into doubting yourself. 

Sorry guys, I know this topic has a parallel for you, but I haven't lived it so I don't have the life experience to expound on it.  However you have my deepest empathy for having to live up to photo shopped ideals of handsomeness. You are all handsome in your uniqueness too!

Keep rocking your bad selves! <3

Friday, January 31, 2014

The 7 P's

Jan. 31st:

Its the last day of the month, and how fast it has gone by.  How did your month go?  What goals did you set for this month?  What goals are you planning to reach next month?  When you set your mind towards something and plan for it, you will achieve it.  Though you can't plan for everything, you can plan for simple things.  Plan what you will have for lunch the next day and pack it ahead of time.  Plan to spend ten minutes in the morning stretching.  When you set a goal, plan when you will execute it and it will get done.

Since it's the end of January, now's the time to hit up stores for all the fitness stuff that will be going on sale, because I know you aren't giving up on what you started.  And who doesn't like new workout clothes?!  (I love the bright colors that are often in workout gear, it makes getting ready for a work out fun)

The 7 P's stand for : Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

<3<3<3<3  Looking forward to what we will achieve in February!  I'm starting a 90 day plank challenge and a 30 day ab challenge.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Perfection is for robots

Jan 30th: my internets are broken and I'm trying to create this from my cell phone. It's quite the apt quote at the moment since I'm far from perfectly accomplishing the task at hand. Let's just say I've thought a lot of naughty things about Verizon FIOS. Back to the post though, the phone will suffice.  
Perfection is for airbrushed magazine photos. In real life there is no perfection, just awesomeness. Go out and be awesome and stop worrying about being perfect. Gotta wrap this up now before the battery dies. It will hopefully be a better post tomorrow. But this one has a dash of minion Awesomness so I'm redeemed a little. <3

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Go Forward, Again

Jan. 29th:

And repeat.  After accomplishing what you have set out to do, find something else you want to do.  Losing weight can be hard and exhausting, mentally and physically.  When you get to the goal you set it's exhilarating.  All your hard work paid off.  Time to sit back on your laurels, right?  Sure, maybe for a couple days, but then its time to get back to work.  Now that you have done what you thought impossible, find something else that you think is impossible and prove yourself wrong. 

I reached my goal weight yesterday and woke up today feeling extremely unmotivated.  I'm there, why do I have to keep working so hard my groggy brain threw at me when the alarm went off at 4:30am this morning.  Because getting up early and working out is me time, and I want to see what I can do next.  Because if I stop now, what was all of it for.  Mostly I get up and keep going, because it wasn't about getting to this goal in the first place.  I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle for the rest of my life, so that I can do the things I want to do.  The reasons for starting have to be good enough to keep you going when you think you are done.

Once you reach your goal, its not time to stop doing all the great things you were doing.  It's time to take stock, just like when you started.  If you are happy with your weight, figure out how many calories you should have a day to maintain.  It will be more than you needed to lose weight, but make sure to increase your caloric intake in a healthy manner.   Keeping the good health you just attained will still take work, but you know you are worth it!

Early  morning sweat session <3

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Ode to Yogurt.

Jan. 28th:

So although its not an inspirational quote, I thought we should talk about its many uses anyway.  I seriously love nonfat greek yogurt.  It can be used in a myriad of ways, its high protein, no fat, and low in calories.  It's a beautiful thing when you are trying to get yourself into a healthier lifestyle.  Eat it plain, meh, not usually.  But dressed up it becomes amazing.  Some of my favorite yogurt uses are listed below:

1.  Smoothies!  My favorite go to for breakfast, recipe simplified, about 1/2c yogurt, 1/2 c of milk (I prefer almond, but that's because that's all I have in the house) and some kind of fruit ( I like banana as the base and have added strawberries, mango, blueberries...etc.)  

2.  Bedtime snack:  Travis and I both like a bowl of sauteed bananas (use coconut oil for a healthier cooking oil that doesn't muck up the flavor) on some yogurt with a drizzle of maple.  Good for bedtime because of the long lasting protein in the yogurt, the potassium in the banana, and the sweetness gives it the feeling of having a treat!  All around yummy.

3.  Substitute for sour cream.  Seriously.  Making one of those package veggie dips where the directions say add to sour cream, use an equal amount of yogurt.  No one will notice.  Honestly.  No joke.  I've done it.  Nobody noticed.  In the mood for nachos, dollop some yogurt on that stuff, or mix it into your avocado for a creamy guacamole that's packed with protein!

4.  Substitute for mayo.  Spread some on a slice of bread, salt and pepper it.  Bam, sandwich spread for your turkey, ham, or whatever sammich you're making.  Or spread it on a wrap.  I love the spinach mission wraps, and also the La Tortilla Factory tortillas are awesome for making wraps, low calorie, high fiber.  nomnomnom.  Other spread type ideas, take yogurt and chipotles, puree in blender or food processor, voila, spicy aioli type spread.  

So keep this stuff in your fridge!  It's amazing!  I <3 fage and I hope you do too.  <3

Monday, January 27, 2014

Anything ≠ Everything

Jan. 27th:

Ever get that worn out feeling?  Stretched too thin, like butter scraped over too much bread (Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring J.R.Tolkien quote right there, you're welcome).

Do you know the cure?  The answer is no.  No, seriously, you have to learn how to say "no".  Keeping your sanity is worth missing out on an event, or whatever it is that is lining your dance card.  When you feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done, its time to start prioritizing.  Some things just have to be done (eat, for eg.) and some can wait (for me, its usually housework).

Everyone's stress load is different, so it is important for your mental and physical health to not be overloaded.  Yes, sometimes there is nothing you can do about a full dance card, but take at least 5 minutes for yourself on those days, meditate, pray, breathe, listen to soothing music, whatever makes you feel re-energized.  

Remember always that you are worth it! <3  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Time for a training montage!

Jan. 26th:

What you have to handle today is preparing you for tomorrow.  Sometimes we are not given the exact training for what we have to face, but if we work with what we have we can pull through. 

This quote reminds me of the stories where the protagonist has a kind of training montage before the climax.  Everything done before that point of the story is building the character towards it, and the character often doesn't know what the climactic showdown will be. 

It's okay to not know what we are being prepared for, just as long as we keep trying to learn from where we are at.  Take opportunities as they arise and get the most out of them while they are there.  Live your life like you don't know what tomorrow will bring and you will live with no regrets.

Something silly I do to push myself harder when I run, is to imagine that I may have to rely on my ability to run to save my daughter.  The harder I push myself today, the faster I will be able to run in the future.

On the other side of the coin, all of my past relationships helped teach me what to look for in my forever relationship.  Though it hurt at the time when they failed, I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything.  I appreciate what I have now because of them.

Work hard today so you can do more tomorrow with your new found strength <3

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Patience!? How long is that going to take?

Jan 25th:

Oh Yoda, how wise you are.  Every time I think I have learned patience, I realize just how wrong I am.  Impatience steals joy from the now, patience is acceptance of the now and allows for inner peace.  It is a skill that I am trying to teach my daughter that I am still working on myself. 

While working towards a goal we must also be cultivating our patience while we wait to succeed.  So patience, young padawan, patience <3

Friday, January 24, 2014

Scared to be powerful...

Jan 24th:
Repeat after me: "I am Powerful".
Is it hard to say that?  It was hard for me to wear the hat in the picture above because it says powerful. It's a reward for hitting a fundraising goal for the avon walk for breast cancer and I had a hard time wearing it because it said powerful.  It sat above me like a label and I was afraid/embarrassed by what others might think. Would it come across as arrogant?  Intimidating? But what I have come to realize, is that being powerful is nothing to be ashamed of.  To be full of power is to be capable of great things, and YOU are powerful.  You have the power to change the world and that is an awesome thing.  Embrace your power and discover what you are capable of by trying things  you've never done before.  For goodness sake, don't let your strength be untapped because you think you shouldn't be powerful.  You are powerful, don't ever think otherwise! <3