Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Ode to Yogurt.

Jan. 28th:

So although its not an inspirational quote, I thought we should talk about its many uses anyway.  I seriously love nonfat greek yogurt.  It can be used in a myriad of ways, its high protein, no fat, and low in calories.  It's a beautiful thing when you are trying to get yourself into a healthier lifestyle.  Eat it plain, meh, not usually.  But dressed up it becomes amazing.  Some of my favorite yogurt uses are listed below:

1.  Smoothies!  My favorite go to for breakfast, recipe simplified, about 1/2c yogurt, 1/2 c of milk (I prefer almond, but that's because that's all I have in the house) and some kind of fruit ( I like banana as the base and have added strawberries, mango, blueberries...etc.)  

2.  Bedtime snack:  Travis and I both like a bowl of sauteed bananas (use coconut oil for a healthier cooking oil that doesn't muck up the flavor) on some yogurt with a drizzle of maple.  Good for bedtime because of the long lasting protein in the yogurt, the potassium in the banana, and the sweetness gives it the feeling of having a treat!  All around yummy.

3.  Substitute for sour cream.  Seriously.  Making one of those package veggie dips where the directions say add to sour cream, use an equal amount of yogurt.  No one will notice.  Honestly.  No joke.  I've done it.  Nobody noticed.  In the mood for nachos, dollop some yogurt on that stuff, or mix it into your avocado for a creamy guacamole that's packed with protein!

4.  Substitute for mayo.  Spread some on a slice of bread, salt and pepper it.  Bam, sandwich spread for your turkey, ham, or whatever sammich you're making.  Or spread it on a wrap.  I love the spinach mission wraps, and also the La Tortilla Factory tortillas are awesome for making wraps, low calorie, high fiber.  nomnomnom.  Other spread type ideas, take yogurt and chipotles, puree in blender or food processor, voila, spicy aioli type spread.  

So keep this stuff in your fridge!  It's amazing!  I <3 fage and I hope you do too.  <3

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