Friday, January 31, 2014

The 7 P's

Jan. 31st:

Its the last day of the month, and how fast it has gone by.  How did your month go?  What goals did you set for this month?  What goals are you planning to reach next month?  When you set your mind towards something and plan for it, you will achieve it.  Though you can't plan for everything, you can plan for simple things.  Plan what you will have for lunch the next day and pack it ahead of time.  Plan to spend ten minutes in the morning stretching.  When you set a goal, plan when you will execute it and it will get done.

Since it's the end of January, now's the time to hit up stores for all the fitness stuff that will be going on sale, because I know you aren't giving up on what you started.  And who doesn't like new workout clothes?!  (I love the bright colors that are often in workout gear, it makes getting ready for a work out fun)

The 7 P's stand for : Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

<3<3<3<3  Looking forward to what we will achieve in February!  I'm starting a 90 day plank challenge and a 30 day ab challenge.

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