Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My other secret weapon!

Jan. 22:

Wewease the secwet weapon!

So today I'm going to talk about the other tool that helped me out.  It is also on the internet, but more importantly it exists in app form.  So its on my phone, the device I can't seem to leave home without.  And what pray tell is this awesomest of awesome apps name?  It is, drum roll please...dah-dah-dah

Lose It

This app allowed me to enter my stats, choose how much weight I wanted to lose per week, and it generated the amount of calories I needed to eat per day.  Then you start logging your food and it tallies it up for you.  The app also allows you to enter exercise and that gets subtracted from the total of calories you've eaten.  So if you keep your net calories at the suggested amount you will achieve your goal. 

Remember that whole bit I wrote about logging and basically taking an inventory, this helps you do that (it even displays the info in easy to read bar graph form!).

I haven't used any of the other fitness apps that are supposed to allow you to log, but if this one doesn't suit you try some of the others.  Or try keeping an old school journal if that's your style.  Or if you want to make it even easier, just plan a weeks worth of meals ahead of time (or borrow someone elses meal plan) and then you won't have to log daily.  The point is to know what you are eating and how much you should be eating.

It's for the most part a simple math equation, your body needs a certain amount of calories to function, and you burn a certain amount of calories during the day.  This app just does the math for you.  It's not even that "new" fangled math they teach these days.  You can do this! <3

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