Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways...

Jan 14th:

2 weeks into the new year!  I hope everyone has had a fabulous start so far.  Only one more week until the gyms get less busy, so lets figure out a way to keep that from happening to us!  Many people make the resolution to lose weight for the new year and burn themselves out by the end of January, if they make it that far.  Here's how we are going to be different: "Our reasons must be stronger than our excuses".

On Jan 1st I said that the number one place to start from when you decide to make a change  for your health is one from a place of love.  Love yourself just the way you are and desire to do right for your body.  You are given one body to live this life with, and it is up to you how you will live in it.  Do you want it to function for you or against you?  The choice is yours.

Here's my secondary reasons for getting healthy, besides just wanting what's best for my body:
1.  My daughter.  If I am her first female role model and teacher, I want to set the example of healthiness.  Not just tell her about it.  I waited until she was 3 to start trying to fit in work outs.  From 0-3yrs I just didn't feel right taking time for me when I was away from her for so long because of work.  It's a balance thing that you will have to figure out for your self.  Mommy guilt is a hard thing to deal with, trust me I know, just remember you were a person before you became a Mommy.  (Or Daddy, for any males who are reading this, clearly I don't have the same experiences as you as I speak from the female perspective, but some things cross the gender lines).

2.  Family history of various weight related diseases.  Type II Diabetes, blood pressure issues, heart attacks, stroke, etc.  No thank you, I'd rather deal with my weight now, then wait till it brings friends to the party that require pills.  I want to wear out my body climbing mountains, not taking pills to keep it functioning.

3.  To feel more confident in my skin.  I say more confident, because I was already confident in my skin.  I'm not a super model but I have always been a human being capable of kindness, strength, and love.  I have to admit, as superficial as it sounds, it is a lot of fun to clothes shop now.

So what's your reasons?  You are going to need them for when your motivation for doing the right thing starts to wane.  Remember, you are dang loveable and capable of doing great things! <3

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