Friday, January 17, 2014

Goals and what to do when you get there (or don't)

Jan. 17th:

I don't have some awesome phrase for today.  Just a topic that's been eating me for awhile now.  So back in October I was 190lbs and decided I was going to get down to 170lbs while I participated in a two month weight loss competition.  The end of the competition came, and I was three pounds short.  Oh woe is me, right?  I have been stuck at the cusp of 170lbs for two months now.  I have let it affect my mood and drive me crazy.  The other day, I weighed myself in the morning before working out and then I weighed myself after working out.  I actually managed to sweat myself down to 170.2lbs.  I couldn't believe it, the scale finally said my goal weight.  Did I celebrate, no, I didn't want to accept it because it had been forced.  I didn't wake up to that number so it didn't count in my crazy brain. 

Today the top and shorts arrived that I had wanted to get when I made my goal weight.  I was feeling guilty about wanting to wear them because I wasn't truly at my goal weight, but you know what.  I'm in a healthy weight range according to the charts, I feel great, and dammit the clothes fit so I'm going to wear them.  Does that mean that I'm going to quit trying to get to my goal?  Of course not, but it means I'm going to give myself a break and enjoy where I've gotten to.  When you are in the midst of working hard towards your goal, don't forget to stop and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.  It doesn't mean you are giving up.  The goal is a nice motivator, but the important part is to remember it is all part of the journey.  And life is to be enjoyed!  <3

P.S.  When you get to your goal, that's easy, just set a new one.  I don't mean constantly keep trying to lose weight; pick something to work towards with your bad self.  If you made your weight goal, try picking things to improve your physical abilities.  How fast can you run a mile, can you do a pull up, ever wanted to rollerblade, want to take up bicycling, yoga, swimming, participate in a 3k, a marathon, ice skate?  There's other things that can keep you motivated besides the number on the scale!  Have fun and hit me up if you need a workout buddy!

My shirt says Excuse Me I Burpee'd and my shorts say Beast Mode.  Best Christmas gift ever!

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