Friday, January 31, 2014

The 7 P's

Jan. 31st:

Its the last day of the month, and how fast it has gone by.  How did your month go?  What goals did you set for this month?  What goals are you planning to reach next month?  When you set your mind towards something and plan for it, you will achieve it.  Though you can't plan for everything, you can plan for simple things.  Plan what you will have for lunch the next day and pack it ahead of time.  Plan to spend ten minutes in the morning stretching.  When you set a goal, plan when you will execute it and it will get done.

Since it's the end of January, now's the time to hit up stores for all the fitness stuff that will be going on sale, because I know you aren't giving up on what you started.  And who doesn't like new workout clothes?!  (I love the bright colors that are often in workout gear, it makes getting ready for a work out fun)

The 7 P's stand for : Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance

<3<3<3<3  Looking forward to what we will achieve in February!  I'm starting a 90 day plank challenge and a 30 day ab challenge.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Perfection is for robots

Jan 30th: my internets are broken and I'm trying to create this from my cell phone. It's quite the apt quote at the moment since I'm far from perfectly accomplishing the task at hand. Let's just say I've thought a lot of naughty things about Verizon FIOS. Back to the post though, the phone will suffice.  
Perfection is for airbrushed magazine photos. In real life there is no perfection, just awesomeness. Go out and be awesome and stop worrying about being perfect. Gotta wrap this up now before the battery dies. It will hopefully be a better post tomorrow. But this one has a dash of minion Awesomness so I'm redeemed a little. <3

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Go Forward, Again

Jan. 29th:

And repeat.  After accomplishing what you have set out to do, find something else you want to do.  Losing weight can be hard and exhausting, mentally and physically.  When you get to the goal you set it's exhilarating.  All your hard work paid off.  Time to sit back on your laurels, right?  Sure, maybe for a couple days, but then its time to get back to work.  Now that you have done what you thought impossible, find something else that you think is impossible and prove yourself wrong. 

I reached my goal weight yesterday and woke up today feeling extremely unmotivated.  I'm there, why do I have to keep working so hard my groggy brain threw at me when the alarm went off at 4:30am this morning.  Because getting up early and working out is me time, and I want to see what I can do next.  Because if I stop now, what was all of it for.  Mostly I get up and keep going, because it wasn't about getting to this goal in the first place.  I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle for the rest of my life, so that I can do the things I want to do.  The reasons for starting have to be good enough to keep you going when you think you are done.

Once you reach your goal, its not time to stop doing all the great things you were doing.  It's time to take stock, just like when you started.  If you are happy with your weight, figure out how many calories you should have a day to maintain.  It will be more than you needed to lose weight, but make sure to increase your caloric intake in a healthy manner.   Keeping the good health you just attained will still take work, but you know you are worth it!

Early  morning sweat session <3

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Ode to Yogurt.

Jan. 28th:

So although its not an inspirational quote, I thought we should talk about its many uses anyway.  I seriously love nonfat greek yogurt.  It can be used in a myriad of ways, its high protein, no fat, and low in calories.  It's a beautiful thing when you are trying to get yourself into a healthier lifestyle.  Eat it plain, meh, not usually.  But dressed up it becomes amazing.  Some of my favorite yogurt uses are listed below:

1.  Smoothies!  My favorite go to for breakfast, recipe simplified, about 1/2c yogurt, 1/2 c of milk (I prefer almond, but that's because that's all I have in the house) and some kind of fruit ( I like banana as the base and have added strawberries, mango, blueberries...etc.)  

2.  Bedtime snack:  Travis and I both like a bowl of sauteed bananas (use coconut oil for a healthier cooking oil that doesn't muck up the flavor) on some yogurt with a drizzle of maple.  Good for bedtime because of the long lasting protein in the yogurt, the potassium in the banana, and the sweetness gives it the feeling of having a treat!  All around yummy.

3.  Substitute for sour cream.  Seriously.  Making one of those package veggie dips where the directions say add to sour cream, use an equal amount of yogurt.  No one will notice.  Honestly.  No joke.  I've done it.  Nobody noticed.  In the mood for nachos, dollop some yogurt on that stuff, or mix it into your avocado for a creamy guacamole that's packed with protein!

4.  Substitute for mayo.  Spread some on a slice of bread, salt and pepper it.  Bam, sandwich spread for your turkey, ham, or whatever sammich you're making.  Or spread it on a wrap.  I love the spinach mission wraps, and also the La Tortilla Factory tortillas are awesome for making wraps, low calorie, high fiber.  nomnomnom.  Other spread type ideas, take yogurt and chipotles, puree in blender or food processor, voila, spicy aioli type spread.  

So keep this stuff in your fridge!  It's amazing!  I <3 fage and I hope you do too.  <3

Monday, January 27, 2014

Anything ≠ Everything

Jan. 27th:

Ever get that worn out feeling?  Stretched too thin, like butter scraped over too much bread (Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring J.R.Tolkien quote right there, you're welcome).

Do you know the cure?  The answer is no.  No, seriously, you have to learn how to say "no".  Keeping your sanity is worth missing out on an event, or whatever it is that is lining your dance card.  When you feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done, its time to start prioritizing.  Some things just have to be done (eat, for eg.) and some can wait (for me, its usually housework).

Everyone's stress load is different, so it is important for your mental and physical health to not be overloaded.  Yes, sometimes there is nothing you can do about a full dance card, but take at least 5 minutes for yourself on those days, meditate, pray, breathe, listen to soothing music, whatever makes you feel re-energized.  

Remember always that you are worth it! <3  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Time for a training montage!

Jan. 26th:

What you have to handle today is preparing you for tomorrow.  Sometimes we are not given the exact training for what we have to face, but if we work with what we have we can pull through. 

This quote reminds me of the stories where the protagonist has a kind of training montage before the climax.  Everything done before that point of the story is building the character towards it, and the character often doesn't know what the climactic showdown will be. 

It's okay to not know what we are being prepared for, just as long as we keep trying to learn from where we are at.  Take opportunities as they arise and get the most out of them while they are there.  Live your life like you don't know what tomorrow will bring and you will live with no regrets.

Something silly I do to push myself harder when I run, is to imagine that I may have to rely on my ability to run to save my daughter.  The harder I push myself today, the faster I will be able to run in the future.

On the other side of the coin, all of my past relationships helped teach me what to look for in my forever relationship.  Though it hurt at the time when they failed, I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything.  I appreciate what I have now because of them.

Work hard today so you can do more tomorrow with your new found strength <3

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Patience!? How long is that going to take?

Jan 25th:

Oh Yoda, how wise you are.  Every time I think I have learned patience, I realize just how wrong I am.  Impatience steals joy from the now, patience is acceptance of the now and allows for inner peace.  It is a skill that I am trying to teach my daughter that I am still working on myself. 

While working towards a goal we must also be cultivating our patience while we wait to succeed.  So patience, young padawan, patience <3

Friday, January 24, 2014

Scared to be powerful...

Jan 24th:
Repeat after me: "I am Powerful".
Is it hard to say that?  It was hard for me to wear the hat in the picture above because it says powerful. It's a reward for hitting a fundraising goal for the avon walk for breast cancer and I had a hard time wearing it because it said powerful.  It sat above me like a label and I was afraid/embarrassed by what others might think. Would it come across as arrogant?  Intimidating? But what I have come to realize, is that being powerful is nothing to be ashamed of.  To be full of power is to be capable of great things, and YOU are powerful.  You have the power to change the world and that is an awesome thing.  Embrace your power and discover what you are capable of by trying things  you've never done before.  For goodness sake, don't let your strength be untapped because you think you shouldn't be powerful.  You are powerful, don't ever think otherwise! <3

Thursday, January 23, 2014

There is no spoon...

Jan. 23:

So technically I lied.  There is no secret to losing weight.  Everything I've been talking about has just been techniques for the basics that you already know.  To lose weight effectively you have to pair exercise with good eating habits.  End of story, right?

Technically it is the end of the story, but life is in the details.  Different techniques can help you further your goals.  So although there is no secret, there are different paths.  Keep looking for paths that help keep you motivated and inspired.

 "Life is a buffet and some people are starving, darling." Auntie Mame 

<3<3 Twice the love Thursday!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My other secret weapon!

Jan. 22:

Wewease the secwet weapon!

So today I'm going to talk about the other tool that helped me out.  It is also on the internet, but more importantly it exists in app form.  So its on my phone, the device I can't seem to leave home without.  And what pray tell is this awesomest of awesome apps name?  It is, drum roll please...dah-dah-dah

Lose It

This app allowed me to enter my stats, choose how much weight I wanted to lose per week, and it generated the amount of calories I needed to eat per day.  Then you start logging your food and it tallies it up for you.  The app also allows you to enter exercise and that gets subtracted from the total of calories you've eaten.  So if you keep your net calories at the suggested amount you will achieve your goal. 

Remember that whole bit I wrote about logging and basically taking an inventory, this helps you do that (it even displays the info in easy to read bar graph form!).

I haven't used any of the other fitness apps that are supposed to allow you to log, but if this one doesn't suit you try some of the others.  Or try keeping an old school journal if that's your style.  Or if you want to make it even easier, just plan a weeks worth of meals ahead of time (or borrow someone elses meal plan) and then you won't have to log daily.  The point is to know what you are eating and how much you should be eating.

It's for the most part a simple math equation, your body needs a certain amount of calories to function, and you burn a certain amount of calories during the day.  This app just does the math for you.  It's not even that "new" fangled math they teach these days.  You can do this! <3

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Here's my internet secret...

Jan. 21st:
Cassey Ho's website of awesome fitness tools

That link up there might change your life. It definitely changed how I work out.  She creates monthly workout calendars, for free!  You subscribe to her blog and she emails the password.  Poof, daily workouts laid out calendar style. Hit up YouTube and search for the described videos, and poof, she shows you how to do it.  On her blog you can also try her weekly meal plans, I haven't yet but it was the holidays recently and I'm slowly working back towards a much more clean eating style (I say slowly because I've had a doughnut and a half in the last two days, I am human too.  Chocolate is a hard habit for me to moderate, but it can be done.).

I was originally looking for a stretches that would help increase flexibility to be able to do the splits, and then there was Cassey.  And not only did she make free monthly calendars she had designed an app for Apple devices that incorporated her you tube videos, had a section for recipes, link to her shop, and a forum where you could share with other Popsters (pop Pilates, Popsters. It's silly but hey, we are hard core!). My absolute favorite part is that for 1$ monthly subscription the monthly calendar is viewable in the app and all you have to do is click on the link listed and workout. No creating playlists on you tube, no searching, and it even has little boxes to check off your progress as you finish. It fills some OCD part of me seeing all the little boxes checked.

Which brings me to the next part of using the tools at hand.  A tool is useless if you don't put it to it's intended use.  Having a fitness app does you no good if you never open it.  Just like a stationary bike doesn't help you burn calories holding your clothes.  Whatever your tool of choice, make a decision to use it at least four times a week (following her calendar is six times a week) and put in the effort.  Doing a workout, however imperfectly, is better than doing none at all.

For the men following this, there are more macho websites that use a different style of working out, but I enjoy most of Cassey's workouts because they are fun. If dance/Pilates isn't your style, no worries. There are plenty of fish in the sea, but give her a try before you besmirch these as 'girly'.

Web based workouts work for me because I can do them at home. She has made some gym oriented workouts, and treadmill ones as well. I'm telling you all this because this is where I found a focus for all my prior inspiration. By the time I found Cassey I had already lost 38lbs, since doing her monthly calendars to the best of my ability I lost 28lbs.  This internet tool works for me, and it might work for you.  Or it might inspire you to look around and find something else that moves you.  Like I said, there are other fish in the sea.  Find something challenging and go for it! <3

Monday, January 20, 2014

Google Fu

Jan. 20th:

So today's ramblings will be about one of the greatest tools you have at your disposal.  THE INTERNETS!  The internet is a vast library of knowledge that is searchable through da google (or the yahoo, or bing, or whatever you use, I prefer da google).

For starters, want to find healthy recipes, or healthier versions of food you already like, try the internet.

Want to find new workouts, youtube my friend (which resides on the internet).

Looking for a trainer (Internet)

I'm starting to see a pattern here, there is lots of information to be found on the internet. If you are here reading this text, then you have the internets!  So take advantage of the tools you have at your disposal.  Knowledge is power, start flexing your google fu and see how far you go! <3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The trail may look hard

Jan. 19th:

If you are just starting down the path to a healthier lifestyle (don't say diet, diets indicate that it is something you will someday stop doing) it may look like the above path, unattractive and difficult.  But remember while you are on it to look up and see where you are headed. 

Yes it takes discipline and hard work to make changes in our lives.  But it can be done.  Find what makes you feel alive and strive to achieve it.  I love hiking and these photos are from today's hike.  The first photo is the trail called Devil's backbone and the second photo I'm not even sure what I was looking at, but the clouds were just surreal looking.  These were both taken on the way to the Mt. Baldy summit.  So go climb your mountain, its sitting there waiting! 

The beauty of climbing mountains is that the mountain isn't going anywhere so it gives you plenty of time to get the job done without treating it like a race. <3

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Birthday musings

Jan 18th:
I will get right back to the previous style of a quote which I try to expound on. But I'm not feeling it today. Plus I don't have one in mind and I need to go to bed soon. So there you have it, honesty at its finest. I turned 33 today, but I don't feel that age. Except for when my back or knee hurts, then I feel older, but mostly I still feel like I did in my early twenties. Looking to try new things and go places I haven't been. So today was Catalina, and tomorrow I intend to climb mt baldy. I think we never truly get old if we keep trying new things and keep looking to have fun with this life we are given.

I truly want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes!  I felt like a queen today :D
Love you all! <3

Friday, January 17, 2014

Goals and what to do when you get there (or don't)

Jan. 17th:

I don't have some awesome phrase for today.  Just a topic that's been eating me for awhile now.  So back in October I was 190lbs and decided I was going to get down to 170lbs while I participated in a two month weight loss competition.  The end of the competition came, and I was three pounds short.  Oh woe is me, right?  I have been stuck at the cusp of 170lbs for two months now.  I have let it affect my mood and drive me crazy.  The other day, I weighed myself in the morning before working out and then I weighed myself after working out.  I actually managed to sweat myself down to 170.2lbs.  I couldn't believe it, the scale finally said my goal weight.  Did I celebrate, no, I didn't want to accept it because it had been forced.  I didn't wake up to that number so it didn't count in my crazy brain. 

Today the top and shorts arrived that I had wanted to get when I made my goal weight.  I was feeling guilty about wanting to wear them because I wasn't truly at my goal weight, but you know what.  I'm in a healthy weight range according to the charts, I feel great, and dammit the clothes fit so I'm going to wear them.  Does that mean that I'm going to quit trying to get to my goal?  Of course not, but it means I'm going to give myself a break and enjoy where I've gotten to.  When you are in the midst of working hard towards your goal, don't forget to stop and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.  It doesn't mean you are giving up.  The goal is a nice motivator, but the important part is to remember it is all part of the journey.  And life is to be enjoyed!  <3

P.S.  When you get to your goal, that's easy, just set a new one.  I don't mean constantly keep trying to lose weight; pick something to work towards with your bad self.  If you made your weight goal, try picking things to improve your physical abilities.  How fast can you run a mile, can you do a pull up, ever wanted to rollerblade, want to take up bicycling, yoga, swimming, participate in a 3k, a marathon, ice skate?  There's other things that can keep you motivated besides the number on the scale!  Have fun and hit me up if you need a workout buddy!

My shirt says Excuse Me I Burpee'd and my shorts say Beast Mode.  Best Christmas gift ever!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Everyone would do it if it were easy

Jan. 16th:

"All things are difficult before they are easy".

When your goal is something you've never done before, failing to do it the first time can leave you feeling discouraged.  But take comfort in knowing that you are learning something new, and it will take time to acquire the necessary strength or muscle memory.  Each day that you try, no matter how far or close you are to your goal, is a victory and you should feel accomplished.  So keep on truckin', you'll get where you are going all in good time <3

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Your actions are contagious

Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring!

Jan. 15th:  For parents, we are aware of the little eyes and ears that are always on us.  However our actions ripple through the other people around us too.  You could be the kick start for someone elses health journey.  So keep on being your fabulous self for you and for your environment.  And a giant thank you to all of my inspirations!  My Aunt Tanya, Tabitha, Joseph, and Verlene .  You guys are amazing and I can't thank you enough for being so awesome!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Oh how I love thee, let me count the ways...

Jan 14th:

2 weeks into the new year!  I hope everyone has had a fabulous start so far.  Only one more week until the gyms get less busy, so lets figure out a way to keep that from happening to us!  Many people make the resolution to lose weight for the new year and burn themselves out by the end of January, if they make it that far.  Here's how we are going to be different: "Our reasons must be stronger than our excuses".

On Jan 1st I said that the number one place to start from when you decide to make a change  for your health is one from a place of love.  Love yourself just the way you are and desire to do right for your body.  You are given one body to live this life with, and it is up to you how you will live in it.  Do you want it to function for you or against you?  The choice is yours.

Here's my secondary reasons for getting healthy, besides just wanting what's best for my body:
1.  My daughter.  If I am her first female role model and teacher, I want to set the example of healthiness.  Not just tell her about it.  I waited until she was 3 to start trying to fit in work outs.  From 0-3yrs I just didn't feel right taking time for me when I was away from her for so long because of work.  It's a balance thing that you will have to figure out for your self.  Mommy guilt is a hard thing to deal with, trust me I know, just remember you were a person before you became a Mommy.  (Or Daddy, for any males who are reading this, clearly I don't have the same experiences as you as I speak from the female perspective, but some things cross the gender lines).

2.  Family history of various weight related diseases.  Type II Diabetes, blood pressure issues, heart attacks, stroke, etc.  No thank you, I'd rather deal with my weight now, then wait till it brings friends to the party that require pills.  I want to wear out my body climbing mountains, not taking pills to keep it functioning.

3.  To feel more confident in my skin.  I say more confident, because I was already confident in my skin.  I'm not a super model but I have always been a human being capable of kindness, strength, and love.  I have to admit, as superficial as it sounds, it is a lot of fun to clothes shop now.

So what's your reasons?  You are going to need them for when your motivation for doing the right thing starts to wane.  Remember, you are dang loveable and capable of doing great things! <3

Monday, January 13, 2014

Magic comes with a price...

Jan 13th:

I am completely loving on the Once Upon a Time series right now, which explains the title of this post and the gist of today's message.  And the gist is this: "Avoid the urge to take the quick way out, magic comes with a price."  There is a whole industry set up around preying on our insecurities.  Pills that melt the fat away for you, diets that put you on a crash course for three days but promise like 5lbs of weight lost, 8 minutes of exercise that will give you rock hard abs, all of it is snake oil.  Even if the pills work, do you want the side effects that come later? Anyone old enough to remember fen phen? That did not end well. 

I know the urge first hand after being in two weight loss competitions that spanned three months.  The end of the second one had me within 4 pounds of my weight loss goal.  I wanted to be there so bad I googled 4lbs in 3 days and what I found made me realize that though I wanted to be at my goal weight, I didn't want to sabotage myself in the long run.   Pretty much anything that works that fast is not something you can maintain, so as soon as you stop, the weight will come back, and with a vengeance depending on how crazy the plan was.  I have spent years putting on the pounds, it is only fair that I give myself a reasonable amount of time to lose it.

Yes, making a healthy lifestyle takes time.  It takes time for your body to adjust to the changes you subject it to, it takes time to prepare meals that don't come in a box (Sunday is a good day to bake off a tray of chicken for the week to come), it takes time to exercise.  Time is the greatest asset we have and when we invest our time in ourselves and towards our family (cooking healthy doesn't just affect you if you are the chef for the house) we shall reap rewards, all in good time.  <3

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Out of the mouths of babes...

January 12th:

I asked my daughter what she would tell someone who wanted to be healthy and this is her response: "I would tell them to eat an apple, and carrots, and maybe an orange, and when they want a treat I would say one, but no more".

What tickled me most, was that all the healthy ingredients she listed, except for the carrot, where in the fruit bowl on the table that she was looking at.  She is wise beyond her years if you pick apart what she said.  Eat whole foods, the more you can recognize your foods and know what is inside, the better.  Obviously more fruits and veggies, but that doesn't mean you can't have a treat every now and then, just in moderation.

I'm trying myself to make treats a moderation thing, instead of an insane binge thing.  I seem unable to refrain from eating all the sweets I can manage, as opposed to just a serving.  I'm still a work in progress and with steadfast determination, I will continue to try and reteach myself how to eat. 

We eat to fuel our bodies and our mind.  We have to work towards enticing the mind without gunking the engine too often <3

 Afternoon walk at Crystal Cove.  Jan. 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The tortoise and the hare

With as wordy as I can get I figured I should find a more suitable place for my ramblings.  Welcome to inspirations for 2014!  I hope it helps you as much as it is helping me.

Jan 11th: Today's inspiration came to me while running, and as I've said before, I'm not a good runner but I keep putting one foot in front of the other and when I'm done I'm sweating.  It counts, I swear.

"Be the tortoise, not the hare"

It is easy to compare ourselves to others when starting on a healthier lifestyle and be discouraged, but I'm here to remind you that it doesn't stop. I'm 67lbs lighter than I was when I started and feel amazing, but when I see pictures of women who are in superb shape I feel disappointed in myself that I'm not there.  I do that for a moment and then the fire inside of me, says no! I am fabulous and I don't have to look like anyone else to be proud of what I've done or haven't done.  And I have put one foot in front of the other over and over.

I haven't had a straight line in my path.  I have wavered in my eating. However, exercise has been my saving grace and I don't mean I punish myself for over eating by exercising more.  But making exercise a habit has kept me sane. After a meal that makes me embarrassed and guilty, I remind myself that my path is not closed.  I will wake up the next morning, get my workout done, and carry on with life.

This path is your journey in life, you may not be where you want to be, but keep putting one foot in front of the other like the tortoise and you will cross the finish line ❤️